What Is Virtual Visitation?
With the recent advancement in technology, it becomes easier for people around the world to connect with one another. There are now different applications and software that allow individuals to get in touch even if they are miles away.
When we speak of virtual visitation, it refers to the use of technology to supplement or allow interactions between parents and children who are separated by distance. Upon the issuance of the order concerning child custody, the judge will include a provision allowing a parent to exercise virtual visitation rights. This can come in different forms such as instant messaging, videoconferencing, telephone calls or e-mails. The said rights are awarded to the party who is declared by the court as the non-custodian parent. However, it must also be noted that even a custodian parent is allowed to resort to virtual visitation in cases where he or she may be separated by distance to his or her kids.
One of the advantages of virtual visitation is that it allows parents to maintain close relations with their children despite the fact that they are separated by distance. This way, the children's emotional needs for security and love from a parent living away from them are still satisfied. In divorce cases, the kids are greatly affected as they are confronted with the fact that the family is already broken and there will be some changes in their living arrangements with the parents. Through virtual visitation, the parent and the child can maintain a consistent and regular contact.
As already mentioned above, the virtual visitation is embodied in a child custody order. Being an order issued by the court of law, it is important that the parties involved must comply with the said custody order. When there is a failure on the part of any parent to follow the said order, he or she may be placed in contempt. If you are in danger of being an adverse party in a contempt action, the first thing that you need to do is to contact your local custody lawyer. Make sure that you read the child custody order to avoid violating any of its provisions.
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